Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL) Recruitment

Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL)
(Government of India Undertaking)
BHEL House, Siri Fort, New Delhi-110049

BHEL invites Application for recruitment of Translation Assistant and Hindi Typing Assistant on contract basis in different locations of BHEL across India :

    Translation Assistant  : 43 posts at various places, Pay : Rs.18000/- per month consolidated, Age : 30 years
    Hindi Typing Assistant : 15 posts at various places, Pay : Rs.17000/- consolidated per month, Age : 27 years :

Application Fee : Rs.100/- (SC/ ST are exempted)  in the form of DD in favor of  BHEL Delhi and payable at Delhi.

 How to Apply: Application in the prescribed format should be send to the Sr. Manager (HR-RB), Corporate HR Department, Corporate Office, BHEL House, Siri Fort, New Delhi - 110049 on or before 19/09/2011.

Please view   or all the details and application format. 

Jaipur Vidyut Vitran Nigam Limited Recruitment

Applications are invited through ONLINE/OFFLINE from willing candidates having requisite qualification for appointment on vacant posts of Technical Helper in Jaipur Vidyut Vitran Nigam Limited/Ajmer Vidyut Vitran Nigam Limited/Jodhpur Vidyut Vitran Nigam Limited, as mentioned hereunder:

1. Jaipur VVNL : 2930 posts
2. Ajmer VVNL (non TSP Area) : 2431 posts
3. TSP Area :831 posts
4. Jodhpur VVNL : 3202 posts

Qualification: Secondary from RBSE/CBSE or any other equivalent Board along with ITI (NCVT/ SCVT)/ NAC or Equivalent qualification in the trade of Electrician/ Lineman/ SBA/Wireman/ Power Electrician. Only those candidates, who possess minimum 60% marks in respective trade (55% in case of BC/SBC and 50% in case of SC/ST category candidates) shall be eligible to apply for appointment.

How to Apply: Candidates are required to apply Online through any one of the websites., or The candidate should choose carefully name of any one company, in which he/she wish to apply.

Last date: 13- 9- 2011

For more details Click here

Tuesday, August 30, 2011


1. What Should Come In The Place Of (?) In The Given Series? Ace, Fgh, ?, Pon
(A) Kkk
(B) Jki
(C) Hjh
(D) Ikl
Ans. (A)

2. Typist : Typewriter : : Writer: ?
(A) Script
(B) Pen
(C) Paper
(D) Book
Ans. (B)

3. Paint: Artist : : Wood: ?
(A) Furniture
(B) Forest
(C) Fire
(D) Carpenter
Ans. (D)

4. Acme : Mace :: Alga: ?
(A) Glaa
(B) Gaal
(C) Laga
(D) Gala
Ans. (D)

5. Eighty : Gieyth : : Output:?
(A) Utoptu
(B) Uotupt
(C) Tuoutp
(D) Tuotup
Ans. (D)

6. ‘medicine’ Is Related To ‘patient’ In The Same Way As ‘education’ Is Related To—
(A) Teacher
(B) School
(C) Student
(D) Tuition
Ans. (C)

7. Fill In The Missing Letter In The Following Series—S, V, Y, B, ?
(A) C
(B) D
(C) E
Ans. (C)

8. What Should Come In The Place Of Question Mark In The Following Series? 3, 8, 6, 14, ?, 20
(A) 11
(B) 10
(C) 8
(D) 9
Ans. (D)

9. Select The Correct Option In Place Of The Question Mark. Aop, Cqr, Est, Guv, ?
(A) Iyz
(B) Hwx
(C) Iwx
(D) Jwx
Ans. (C)

10. What Should Come In The Place Of Question Mark In The Following Series? 1, 4, 9, 25, 36, ?
(A) 48
(C) 52
(B) 49
(D) 56
Ans. (B)

(Q. 11 To 14): Select The One Which Is Different From The Other Three.

11. (A) Bokaro
(B) Jamshedpur
(C) Bhilai
(D) Agra
Ans. (D)

12. (A) January
(B) February
(C) July
(D) December
Ans. (B)

13. (A) Bible
(B) Panchsheel
(C) Geeta
(D) Quran
Ans. (B)

14. (A) Star
(B) Sun
(C) Sky
(D) Moon
Ans. (C)
Directions—(Q. 15 To 17): Based On Alphabets.
15. If The Sequence Of The Alphabets Is Reversed Which Of The Following Would Be The 14th Letter From Your Left?
(A) N
(B) L
(C) O
(D) None Of These
Ans. (D)

16. Which Letter Is The 8th Letter To The Right Of The Letter, Which Is 12th From The Left?

(A) V
(B) T
(C) W
(D) Y
Ans. (B)

17. Which Letter Is The 8th Letter To The Right Of The Letter Which Is 10th To The Left Of The Last But One Letter From The Right?
(A) V
(B) X
(C) W
(D) I
Ans. (C)

Directions—(Q. 18 To 23) Three Of The Following Four Are Alike In A Certain Way And So Form A Group. Which Is The One That Does Not Belong To That Group?
18. (A) Green
(B) Red
(C) Colour
(D) Orange
Ans. (C)

19. (A) Rabbit
(B) Crocodile
(C) Earthworm
(D) Snail
Ans. (A)

20. (A) Polo
(B) Chess
(C) Ludo
(D) Carrom
Ans. (A)

21. (A) Sun
(B) Universe
(C) Moon
(D) Star
Ans. (B)

22. (A) Cheese
(B) Milk
(C) Curd
(D) Ghee
Ans. (B)

23. (A) Carrot
(B) Radish
(C) Potato
(D) Brinjal
Ans. (D)

24. In A Certain Code ‘contributor’ Is Written As ‘rtnocirotub’. How Is ‘prohibition’ Written In That Code?
(A) Noitibihorp
(B) Ihorpbition
(C) Itionbihotp
(D) Ihorpbnoiti
Ans. (D)

25. If ‘cat’ And ‘boat’ Are Written As Xzg And ‘ylzg’ Respectively In A Code Language How Is ‘egg’ To Be Written In The Same Language?
(A) Vss
(B) Urr
(C) Vtt
(D) Utf
Ans. (C)
26. In A Code Language Singer Is Written As Aibced Then Ginger Will Be Written In The Same Code As—
(A) Cbiecd
(B) Cibced
(C) Cbiced
(D) Cibecd
Ans. (B)

27. If Bat Is Coded As 283, Cat Is Coded As 383 And Are Is Coded As 801,Then The Code For Better Is—
(A) 213310
(B) 213301
(C) 123301
(D) 012334
Ans. (A)

28. If Water Is Called Black, Black Is Called Tree, Tree Is Called Blue, Blue Is Called Rain, Rain Is Called Pink And Pink Is Called Fish In A Certain Language Then What Is The Colour Of Sky Called In That Language?
(A) Blue
(B) Fish
(C) Rain
(D) Pink
Ans. (C)

29. A Man Walks 3 Km Northwards And Then Turns Left And Goes 2 Km. He Again Turns Left And Goes 3 Km. He Turns Right And Walks Straight. In Which Direction He Is Walking Now?
(A) East
(B) West
(C) North
(D) South
Ans. (B)

30. One Morning After Sunrise Vikram And Shailesh Were Standing In A Lawn With Their Back Towards Each Other. Vikram’s Shadow Fell Exactly Towards Left-hand Side. Which Direction Shailesh Was Facing?
(A) East
(B) West
(C) North
(D) South
Ans. (D)

31. Nageena Is Taller Than Pushpa But Not As Tall As Manish. Rama Is Taller Than Namita But Not As Tall As Pushpa. Who Among Them Is The Tallest?
(A) Manish
(B) Pushpa
(C) Namita
(D) Nageena
Ans. (A)

32. In An Examination Raj Got More Marks Than Moti But Not As Many As Meena. Meena Got More Marks Than Ganesh And Rupali. Ganesh Got Less Marks Than Moti But His Marks Are Not The Lowest In The Group. Who Is Second In The Descending Order Of Marks?
(A) Meena
(B) Rupali
(C) Raj
(D) None Of These
Ans. (C)

33. Pointing To A Photograph Of A Girl, Rajan Said “she Has No Sister Or Daughter But Her Mother Is The Only Daughter Of My Mother.” How Is The Girl In The Photograph Related With Rajan’s Mother?
(A) Sister In Law
(B) Grand Daughter
(C) Daughter In Law
(D) None Of These
Ans. (B)

34. If Amit’ S Father Is Billoo’ S Father’s Only Son And Billoo Has Neither A Brother Nor A Daughter. What Is The Relationship Between Amit And Billoo?
(A) Uncle—nephew
(B) Father—daughter
(C) Father—son
(D) Grandfather—grandson
Ans. (C)

35. An Application Was Received By Inward Clerk In The Afternoon Of A Weekday. Next Day He Forwarded It To The Table Of The Senior Clerk, Who Was On Leave That Day. The Senior Clerk Next Day Evening Put Up The Application To The Desk Officer. Desk Officer Studied The Application And Disposed Off The Matter On The Same Day, I.E., Friday. Which Day The Application Was Received By The Inward Clerk?
(A) Tuesday
(B) Earlier Week’s Saturday
(C) Wednesday
(D) Monday
Ans. (C)

36. Flight To Mumbai Leaves Every 5 Hours. At The Information Counter I Learnt That The Flight Took Off 25 Minutes Before. If The Time Now Is 10 : 45 A.M., What Is The Time For The Next Flight?
(A) 2 : 20 A.M.
(B) 3 : 30 A.M.
(C) 3 : 55 P.M.
(D) 3 : 20 P.M.
Ans. (D)}

37. Babloo Ranked 16th From The Top And 29th From The Bottom Among Those Who Passed An Examination. 6 Boys Did Not Participate In The Competition and 5 Failed In The Examination. How Many Boys Were There In The Class?
(A) 44
(B) 40
(C) 50
(D) 55
Ans. (D)

38. Indra Is 7th From The Left And Jaya Is 5th From The Right. When They Interchange Their Position Jaya Becomes 19th From The Right. What Is Indra’s Position From The Left?
(A) 21st
(B) 19th
(C) 23rd
(D) 20th
Ans. (D)

39. How Many 5’s Are In The Following Sequence Of Numbers Which Are Immediately Preceded By 7? 8 9 5 3 2 5 3 8 5 5 6 8 7 3 3 5 7 7 5 3 6 5 3 3 5 7 3 8
(A) One
(B) Two
(C) Three
(D) Four
Ans. (A)

40. How Many 8’s Are There In The Following Sequence Which Are Immediately Preceded By 6 But Not Immediately Followed By 5? 6 8 5 7 8 5 4 3 6 8 1 9 8 5 4 6 8 2 9 6 8 1 3 6 8 5 3 6
(A) One
(B) Two
(C) Three
(D) Four
Ans. (C)

41. If Earthquake Is Coded As Mogpenjosm Then Equate Will Be Coded As—
(A) Menopm
(B) Menomp
(C) Njogpm
(D) Mnjopm
Ans. (D)

42. If Country Is Coded In Certain Way As Emwlvpa, Electorate Will Be Coded In The Same Manner As—
(A) Cjcefqpywc
(B) Cjgerqtyvg
(C) Cncerqpcrg
(D) Gjgavmtyvc
Ans. (D)

43. ‘air’ Is To ‘bird’ As ‘water’ Is To ……..
(A) Drink
(B) Fish
(C) Wash
(D) Swim
Ans. (B)

44. ‘pencil’ Is To ‘write’ As ‘knife’ Is To ………
(A) Injure
(B) Peel
(C) Prick
(D) Attack
Ans. (B)

45. Mohan Is 18th From Either End Of A Row Of Boys ? How Many Boys Are There In That Row?
(A) 26
(B) 32
(C) 24
(D) 35
Ans. (D)

46. In A Class Of 60 Where Boys Are Twice That Of Girls, Ramya Ranked 17th From The Top. If There Are 9 Boys Ahead Of Ramya, How Many Girls Are After Her In The Rank?
(A) 26
(B) 12
(C) 10
(D) 33
Ans. (B)

47. ‘soldier’ Is Related To ‘army’ In The Same Way As ‘pupil’ Is Related To …….
(A) Education
(B) Teacher
(C) Student
(D) Class
Ans. (D)

48. ‘kilogram’ Is Related To ‘quintal’ In The Same Way As ‘paisa’ Is Related To………
(A) Coin
(B) Money
(C) Cheque
(D) Rupee
Ans. (D)

49. ‘stammering’ Is To ‘speech’ As Deafness Is To …………
(A) Ear
(B) Hearing
(C) Noise
(D) Commotion
Ans. (B)

50. ‘guilt’ Is To ‘past’ As ‘hope’ Is To …………
(A) Present
(B) Future
(C) Today
(D) Hopeless
Ans. (B)

Sunday, August 28, 2011


1. Indian Republic is not the product of—
(A) Political Revolution
(B) Discussion
(C) Made by a body of eminent representatives of the people
(D) All the above

2. For the first time, British Parliament enacted which laws for the British Government to govern in India—
(A) Govt. of India Act 1857
(B) Govt. of India Act 1858
(C) Govt. of India Act 1891
(D) Govt. of India Act 1888

3. The British Secretary of the State governed India through which Institution—
(A) Executive Council
(B) Parliament
(C) Governor assisted by an Executive Council
(D) Governor General appointed by an Executive Council

4. Under the British Rule in India, Governor General was responsible to—
(A) Secretary of India
(B) Secretary of Britain
(C) Secretary of State
(D) None of the above

5. Morely-Minto reform is associated with which Act—
(A) Indian Council Act 1856
(B) Indian Council Act 1909
(C) Indian Council Act 1908
(D) Indian Council Act 1912

6. During the British rule, which community got separate representation from which Act—
(A) Christian Community & Indian Council Act 1909
(B) Buddhist Community & Indian Council Act 1907
(C) Muslim Community & Indian Council Act 1909
(D) All the above

7. During the British period, under which Act election was introduced in India—
(A) Indian Council Act 1913
(B) Indian Council Act 1909
(C) Indian Council Act 1906
(D) Indian Council Act 1907

8. Montagu-Chelmsford report is associated with which Govt of India Act—
(A) Govt. of India Act 1918
(B) Govt. of India Act 1920
(C) Govt. of India Act 1930
(D) Govt. of India Act 1919

9. When was the Indian National Congress established—
(A) 1888
(B) 1885
(C) 1889
(D) 1890

10. Under the British Rule when ‘Dyarchy Governing System’ was introduced for the first time—
(A) Govt. of India Act 1919
(B) Govt. of India Act 1929
(C) Govt. of India Act 1925
(D) Govt. of India Act 1935

11. Under the Govt. of India Act 1935, which communities were provided separate representation in the Electorate system—
(A) Sikh, Europeans
(B) Indian Christians
(C) Anglo-Indians
(D) All the above

12. Under which Government of India Act, Federation and Provincial Autonomy were introduced in India—
(A) Govt. of India Act 1935
(B) Govt. of India Act 1930
(C) Govt. of India Act 1940
(D) Govt. of India Act 1936

13. Under the British rule, how many acts came into operation—
(A) Govt. of India Act 1858, Indian Council Act 1861
(B) Indian Council Act 1892, Indian Council Act 1809
(C) Govt. of India Act 1919, Govt. of India Act 1935, Indian Independence Act 1947
(D) All the above

14. Which Act provided India to become an Independent state—
(A) Indian Independence Act 1949
(B) Indian Independence Act 1946
(C) Indian Independence Act 1947
(D) None of the above

15. Under the Govt. of India Act 1935, the Indian Federation worked through which kind of list—
(A) Federal List
(B) Provincial List
(C) Concurrent List
(D) All the above

16. In the Govt. of India Act 1835, Federal List contained which kind of subjects—
(A) External Affairs
(B) Currency and Coinage
(C) Naval, Military and Force, Census
(D) All the above

17. In the Govt. of India Act 1935, provincial list included which kind of subjects—
(A) Police
(B) Provincial Public Service
(C) Education
(D) All the above

18. In the Govt. of India Act 1935, which subjects are included in the concurrent list—
(A) Criminal Law & Procedure, Civil Procedure
(B) Marriage
(C) Divorce, Arbitration
(D) All the above

19. Under the Govt. of India Act 1935, who had the power to proclaim emergency—
(A) Governor General
(B) General of India
(C) Governor of the State
(D) None of the above

20. In the Govt. of India Act 1935, who was authorised to make a law on the Provincial subject—
(A) Governor
(B) Governor General
(C) Federal Legislature
(D) None of the above

21. Which Constitution is in the written form for the first time by an elected body during the Modern period—
(A) India
(B) America
(C) Britain
(D) France

22. Who was the de facto Prime Minister at the time of evolution of the Indian Constituent Assembly—
(A) Moti Lal Nehru
(B) Sardar Ballabh Bhai Patal
(C) Jawahar Lal Nehru
(D) H. N. Kunzru

23. Who boicotted the Indian Constituent Assembly—
(A) Unionist Muslim
(B) Muslim League
(C) Unionist Scheduled Caste
(D) Krishak Poja

24. In the Constituent Assembly, which parties were members—
(A) Congress, Muslim League, Unionist Muslim
(B) Unionist Scheduled Caste, Krishak Poja, Scheduled Castes Federation, Sikh (Non Congress)
(C) Communists, Independents
(D) All the above

25. Which party said that Indian Constituent Assembly does not have a fully representative character—
(A) Congress
(B) Muslim League
(C) Unionist Muslim
(D) Unionist Scheduled Castes

26. After independence, who decided to determine the Future Constitution of India—
(A) Jawahar Lal Nehru
(B) Sardar Ballabh Bhai Patel
(C) Constituent Assembly
(D) None of the above

27. Whom the Indian Constituent Assembly represented—
(A) Fully representative of the Hindus
(B) Fully representative of the State in India
(C) Fully representative of the Provinces in India
(D) Fully representative of the States and Provinces in India

28. Through which offer, the British Government authoritatively supported a Constituent Assembly for making the Indian Constitution
(A) August offer
(B) Viceroy offer
(C) Sir Strafford Cripps offer
(D) None of the above

29. Who supported the views of the Constituent Assembly for making the Indian Constitution—
(A) Sardar Patel
(B) Gandhiji
(C) Jinnah
(D) None of the above

30. Gandhiji wrote which article in the Harijan of 19th November 1939 to support the formation of Constituent Assembly for making the Constitution of India—
(A) The need of Constitution
(B) Formation of Constituent Assembly
(C) The only way
(D) The way

31. Which Party supported formation of a Constituent Assembly—
(A) Congress
(B) Muslim League
(C) Unionist Muslim
(D) Unionist Scheduled Castes

32. When did Constituent Assembly adopt a national Flag—
(A) 22nd Aug. 1947
(B) 22nd July 1947
(C) 22nd Jan. 1947
(D) 22nd Oct. 1947

33. Did the Constituent Assembly exist at the time of Indian Independence—
(A) No
(B) Only idea emerged
(C) Yes
(D) Uncertainty regarding formation of said Assembly

34. Who was the last British Governor General who addressed the Constituent Assembly—
(A) Lord Attlee
(B) Lord Mount Batten
(C) Lord Bentick
(D) None of the above

35. When did the Constituent Assembly passed a resolution for translation of the Constitution of India into Hindi and other many languages of India—
(A) 17th Sep. 1949
(B) 17th Oct. 1949
(C) 17th Nov. 1949
(D) 17th Dec. 1949

36. What was the last session of the Constituent Assembly—
(A) Eleventh session
(B) Twelfth session
(C) Sixteenth session
(D) Seventh session

37. When was the last Twelfth session of the Constituent Assembly held—
(A) 24th Jan. 1950
(B) 24th Feb. 1950
(C) 24th April 1950
(D) 24th Dec. 1950

38. How many copies of the Constitution were printed after the Constituent Assembly framed the same—
(A) Two
(B) One
(C) Three
(D) Four

39. Which song was sang in the Constituent Assembly before its Adjournment sine die—
(A) Jana Gana Man
(B) Vande Matram
(C) A & B
(D) None of the above

40. For how many years, months and days, did the Constituent Assembly work on the Constitution of India—
(A) 2 Years, 11 months and 19 Days
(B) 3 Years, 12 months and 16 Days
(C) 4 Years, 18 months and 6 Days
(D) None of the above

41. How many number of sessions were held in the Constituent Assembly—
(A) Twenty sessions
(B) Twelve sessions
(C) Twenty-five sessions
(D) Twenty-eight sessions

42. How many Articles and Schedules were in the First Draft Constitution presented by the Drafting Committee to the Constituent Assembly—
(A) 318 Articles and 7 Schedules
(B) 319 Articles ad 10 Schedules
(C) 315 Articles and 8 Schedules
(D) 399 Articles and 5 Schedules

43. In the final form of the Constitution adopted by the Constituent Assembly, how many Articles and Schedules were there—
(A) 397 Articles and 9 Schedules
(B) 395 Articles and 4 Schedules
(C) 396 Articles and 7 Schedules
(D) 395 Articles and 8 Schedules

44. In the Constituent Assembly how many total number of Amendments were proposed in the Draft Constitution—
(A) Approx. 7935
(B) Approx. 7892
(C) Approx. 7365
(D) Approx. 2473

45. What was the expenditure made by the Constituent Assembly while framing the Constitution of India—
(A) Rs. 63,96,729
(B) Rs. 64,98,725
(C) Rs. 69,92,769
(D) Rs. 65,92,926

46. How many visitors came to witness the proceedings of the Constituent Assembly—
(A) 52,500
(B) 53,000
(C) 54,000
(D) 54,500

47. Who presented the Objective Resolution in the Constituent Assembly—
(A) Jawaharlal Nehru
(B) Motilal Nehru
(C) Sardar Ballabah Bhai Patel
(D) None of the above

48. When was the First Draft of the Constitution of India proposed—
(A) Oct. 1945
(B) Oct. 1947
(C) Oct. 1946
(D) Oct. 1948

49. Who prepared the first draft Constitution of India—
(A) Jawahar Lal Nehru
(B) Gandhiji
(C) Advisory Branch of the Constituent Assembly
(D) Sardar Ballabh Bhai Patel

50. Who was the Chairman of the Draft Committee of the Constituent Assembly—
(A) Dr. B. R. Ambedkar
(B) K. M. Munshi
(C) Jagjivan Ram
(D) None of the above

51. When was the draft Constitution of India prepared by the Drafting Committee submitted to the President of the Constituent Assembly—
(A) 28th Feb. 1948
(B) 26th Feb. 1948
(C) 21st Feb. 1948
(D) 25th Feb. 1948

52. When was the Second Reading of the Constitution completed in the Constituent Assembly—
(A) 18 Nov. 1949
(B) 17 Nov. 1949
(C) 15 Nov. 1949
(D) 16 Nov. 1949

53. How many readings were held on the Constitution in the Constituent Assembly—
(A) First Reading
(B) Third Reading
(C) Second Reading
(D) None of the above

54. When was the Constitution of India adopted by the Constituent Assembly—
(A) 25th Nov. 1949
(B) 29th Nov. 1949
(C) 26th Nov. 1949
(D) 27th Nov. 1949

55. How many Princely States existed at the time when the Constituent Assembly was making the Constitution—
(A) 600
(B) 800
(C) 900
(D) 950

56. Who said, ‘I feel, however, good a Constitution may be, it is sure to turn out bad because those who are called to work it, taken to be a bad lot. However bad a Constitution may be, it may turn out to be good if those who are called to work it, happens to be a good lot. The working of a Constitution does not depend wholly upon the nature of the Constitution’—
(A) Dr. Ambedkar
(B) Dr. Rajendra Prasad
(C) Dr. Subhash Kashyap
(D) None of the above

57. Who stated, ‘As to the execution that the Draft Constitution has produced a good part of the provisions of the Government of India Act 1935, make no apologies. There is nothing to be ashamed of in Borrowing.’—
(A) Dr. Rajendra Prasad
(B) Jawhar Lal Nehru
(C) Gandhiji
(D) Dr. Ambedkar

58. Who said, ‘If the people who are elected are capable and men of character and integrity, they would be able to make the best even of a defective Constitution. If they are lacking in these, the Constitution cannot help the country’—
(A) Sardar Hukam Singh
(B) K. M. Munshi
(C) Dr. Rajendra Prasad
(D) Sardar Ballabh Bhai Patel

59. When were the election to the Constituent Assembly held—
(A) July 1946
(B) Aug. 1946
(C) Sep. 1946
(D) Oct. 1946

60. In the Constituent Assembly how many seats were got by the Congress—
(A) 204
(B) 205
(C) 203
(D) 208

61. How many seats were obtained by the Muslim League in the Constituent Assembly—
(A) 74
(B) 75
(C) 73
(D) 76

62. How many seats were acquired by the other parties in the Constituent Assembly—
(A) 14
(B) 15
(C) 17
(D) 18

63. How many total members were elected in the Constituent Assembly—
(A) 296
(B) 293
(C) 291
(D) 292

64. In the Parliament of India Upper House in known as—
(A) Lok Sabha
(B) Rajya Sabha
(C) Council of States
(D) None of the above

65. In the Parliament, Lower House is called as— (A) Legislative Assembly
(B) Legislative Council
(C) Rajya Sabha
(D) Lok Sabha (House of People)

66. In the Constituent Assembly who was the Head of the Union Constitution Committee—
(A) Jawaharlal Nehru
(B) Sardar Patel
(C) Subhash Buse
(D) None of the above

67. In the Constituent Assembly which words were associated with the Parliament—
(A) Parliament of the Legislature
(B) Parliament of the Union
(C) Parliament of the Federation
(D) All the above
68. In the Constituent Assembly, it was said that Parliament of the Federation shall consist of the President and what else—
(A) National Legislature
(B) National Assembly
(C) House of People
(D) Council of State

69. In the Constituent Assembly, which committee recommended that Indian Constitution adopt Parliamentary Form of Executive—
(A) Drafting Committee
(B) Constitutional Committee
(C) Union Constitution Committee
(D) All the above

70. In the Constituent Assembly, how many seats were fixed for House of People—
(A) 500
(B) 400
(C) 300
(D) 250

71. In the Constituent Assembly, what was the number of population fixed for one Representative—
(A) 7,500
(B) 7,50,000
(C) 50,000
(D) 78,500

72. Who elected Dr. Rajendra Prasad as the First President of India—
(A) Constituent Assembly
(B) Legislative Assembly
(C) Council of State
(D) Lok Sabha

73. In the Constituent Assembly who proposed the name of Dr. Rajendra Prasad as President of India—
(A) Jawaharlal Nehru
(B) Sardar Patel
(C) A & B
(D) None of the above

74. Which is our National anthem—
(A) Jana Gana Mana
(B) Vande Matram
(C) A & B
(D) None of the above

75. When did the Constituent Assembly adopt National Anthem—
(A) 25th Jan. 1950
(B) 26th Jan. 1950
(C) 24th Jan. 1950
(D) 29th Jan. 1950
76. In the last session of the Constituent Assembly which song was sung—
(A) Jan Gana Mana
(B) Vande Matram
(C) A & B
(D) None of the above

77. Which women presented National Flag in the Constituent Assembly—
(A) Smt. Sarojini Naidu
(B) Smt. Hansa Mehta
(C) Smt. Indira Gandhi
(D) None of the above
78. In the Indian National Flag, what does Ashoka’s wheel represent—
(A) Wheel of the Truth
(B) Wheel of the Moral
(C) Wheel of the Dharm
(D) Wheel of the Law

79. In the National Flag, what does green colour represent—
(A) Animals
(B) Soil
(C) Human Nature
(D) Spiritual Philosophy

80. In the National Flag, what does saffron colour represent—
(A) Spirit of Renunciation
(B) Spirit of colours
(C) Spirit of Human nature
(D) None of the above

81. In the National Flag, whom does the wheel represent—
(A) Prithivi Raj Chauhan
(B) Raja Man Singh
(C) Ashoka
(D) None of the above

82. In the National Flag, what shall be the Ratio of the width to the length—
(A) 2 : 3
(B) 2 : 4
(C) 2 : 5
(D) 2 : 6

83. In the National Flag, how many colours are there—
(A) Four
(B) Three
(C) Two
(D) Five

84. Which colours are included in the National Flag—
(A) Deep Saffron
(B) White
(C) Dark Green
(D) All the above

85. In the National Flag, which colour is used in the wheel—
(A) Blue
(B) Navy Blue
(C) Red Green
(D) Green-White

86. In the Constituent Assembly, when was the ad-hoc Committee appointed for the National Flag—
(A) 23rd June 1947
(B) 23rd July 1947
(C) 23rd Jan. 1947
(D) 23rd Feb. 1947

87. What was the name of India’s First Legislature—
(A) Parliament
(B) Union Parliament
(C) Constituent Assembly
(D) National Assembly.

88. During what period, Constituent Assembly of India worked—
(A) 1948-1950
(B) 1949-1951
(C) 1947-1949
(D) 1951-1952

89. Who was the first Speaker of free India’s first Legislature (Constituent Assembly)
(A) G. V. Mavalankar
(B) K. M. Munshi
(C) Frank Anthony
(D) Smt. Sarojini Naidu

90. After Indian Independence who represented Provisional Parliament—
(A) Lok Sabha
(B) Parliament
(C) Rajya Sabha
(D) Constituent Assembly

91. When did India become a fully Sovereign Democratic Republic—
(A) 26th Nov. 1949
(B) 26th Nov. 1930
(C) 26th Jan. 1949
(D) 26th Nov. 1951

92. After Indian Independence, what was not Provisional Parliament provided—
(A) Directly Elected Body
(B) Indirectly Elected Body
(C) Sovereign Body
(D) None of the above

93. In the Provisional Parliament of India, how many members were there—
(A) 296
(B) 313
(C) 318
(D) 316

94. In India who amended the Constitution through the first Amendment Bill 1951—
(A) Lok Sabha
(B) Rajya Sabha
(C) Provisional Parliament
(D) Parliament

95. Who was the first Prime Minister of India at the time of Provisional Parliament—
(A) Jawahar Lal Nehru
(B) Lal Bahadur Shastri
(C) Indira Gandhi
(D) Rajiv Gandhi

96. Who was be Deputy Prime Minister of India at the time of Provisional Parliament—
(A) Jawahar Lal Nehru
(B) Sardar Ballabh Bahi Patel
(D) Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad
(D) Gulzarilal Nanda
97. Which occupation was represented more in the Provisional Parliament—
(A) Agriculturists
(B) Businessmen
(C) Teachers/Academicians
(D) Lawyers

98. From which area, more members were represented in the Provisional Parliament—
(A) Rural area
(B) Urban area
(C) Municipalities
(D) Panchayats

99. When did the first Lok Sabha function—
(A) 1952-1956
(B) 1953-1957
(C) 1952-1957
(D) None of the above

100. Who was the Prime Minister of India in the first Lok Sabha—
(A) Pandit Govind Ballabh Pant
(B) Jawahar Lal Nehru
(C) Abdul Kalam Azad
(D) C. D. Deshmukh

Answers :
1.(A) 2.(B) 3.(D) 4.(C) 5.(B) 6.(C) 7.(B) 8.(D) 9.(B) 10.(A) 11.(D) 12.(A) 13.(D) 14.(C) 15.(D) 16.(D) 17.(D) 18.(D) 19.(A) 20.(C) 21.(B) 22.(C) 23.(B) 24.(D) 25.(B) 26.(C) 27.(D) 28.(A) 29.(B) 30.(C) 31.(A) 32.(B) 33.(C) 34.(B) 35.(A) 36.(B) 37.(A) 38.(C) 39.(C) 40.(A) 41.(B) 42.(C) 43.(D) 44.(C) 45.(A) 46.(B) 47.(A) 48.(B) 49.(C) 50.(A)
51.(C) 52.(D) 53.(B) 54.(C) 55.(A) 56.(A) 57.(D) 58.(C) 59.(A) 60.(B) 61.(C) 62.(A) 63.(D) 64.(B) 65.(D) 66.(A) 67.(C) 68.(A) 69.(C) 70.(A) 71.(B) 72.(A) 73.(C) 74.(C) 75.(C) 76.(C) 77.(B) 78.(D) 79.(B) 80.(A) 81.(C) 82.(A) 83.(B) 84.(D) 85.(B) 86.(A) 87.(C) 88.(C) 89.(A) 90.(D) 91.(C) 92.(A) 93.(B) 94.(C) 95.(A) 96.(B) 97.(D) 98.(A) 99.(C) 100.(A)


1. You can keep your personal files/folders in—
(A) My folder
(B) My Documents
(C) My Files
(D) My Text
(E) None of these
Ans : (B)

2. The primary purpose of software is to turn data into—
(A) Web sites
(B) Information
(C) Programs
(D) Objects
(E) None of these
Ans : (B)

3. A directory within a directory is called—
(A) Mini Directory
(B) Junior Directory
(C) Part Directory
(D) Sub Directory
(E) None of these
Ans : (D)

4. A compiler translates a program written in a high-level language into—
(A) Machine language
(B) An algorithm
(C) A debugged program
(D) Java
(E) None of these
Ans : (A)

5. When you turn on the computer, the boot routine will perform this test—
(A) RAM test
(B) Disk drive test
(C) Memory test
(D) Power-on self-test
(E) None of these
Ans : (B)

6. A ……is a unique name that you give to a file of information.
(A) device letter
(B) folder
(C) filename
(D) filename extension
(E) None of these
Ans : (D)

7. Hardware includes—
(A) all devices used to input data into a computer
(B) sets of instructions that a computer runs or executes
(C) the computer and all the devices connected to it that are used to input and output data
(D) all devices involved in processing information including the central processing unit, memory and storage
(E) None of these
Ans : (D)

8. A ……… contains specific rules and words that express the logical steps of an algorithm.
(A) programming language
(B) syntax
(C) programming structure
(D) logic chart
(E) None of these
Ans : (A)

9. All the deleted files go to—
(A) Recycle Bin
(B) Task Bar
(C) Tool Bar
(D) My Computer
(E) None of these
Ans : (A)

10. The simultaneous processing of two or more programs by multiple processors is—
(A) Multiprogramming
(B) Multitasking
(C) Time-sharing
(D) Multiprocessing
(E) None of these
Ans : (D)

11. The secret code that restricts entry to some programs—
(A) Password
(B) Passport
(C) Entry-code
(D) Access-code
(E) None of these
Ans : (A)

12. Computers use the ……… number system to store data and perform calculations.
(A) binary
(B) octal
(C) decimal
(D) hexadecimal
(E) None of these
Ans : (A)

13. The main function of the ALU is to—
(A) Perform arithmetic and logical operations
(B) Store data and information for future use
(C) Control computer output, such as printing
(D) Monitor all computer activities
(E) None of these
Ans : (A)

14. ……is the process of carrying out commands.
(A) Fetching
(B) Storing
(C) Executing
(D) Decoding
(E) None of these
Ans : (C)

15. Softcopy is the intangible output, so then what is hardcopy ?
(A) The physical parts of the computer
(B) The printed parts of the computer
(C) The printed output
(D) The physical output devices
(E) None of these
Ans : (C)

16. A(n) ……… is a program that makes the computer easier to use.
(A) utility
(B) application
(C) operating system
(D) network
(E) None of these
Ans : (A)

17. A complete electronic circuit with transistors and other electronic components on a small silicon chip is called a(n)—
(A) Workstation
(C) Magnetic disk
(D) Integrated circuit
(E) None of these
Ans : (D)

18. Computer systems are comprised of—
(A) Hardware, programs, processors, procedures and people
(B) Hardware, programs, information, people and procedures
(C) Hardware, programs, information, people and networks
(D) Hardware, software, procedures, networks and people
(E) None of these
Ans : (D)

19. An error in a computer program—
(A) Crash
(B) Power Failure
(C) Bug
(D) Virus
(E) None of these
Ans : (C)

20. What is output ?
(A) What the processor takes from the user
(B) What the user gives to the processor
(C) What the processor gets from the user
(D) What the processor gives to the user
(E) None of these
Ans : (D)

21. The person who writes and tests computer programs is called a—
(A) programmer
(B) computer scientist
(C) software engineer
(D) project developer
(E) None of these
Ans : (A)

22. A set of instructions telling the computer what to do is called—
(A) mentor
(B) instructor
(C) compiler
(D) program
(E) None of these
Ans : (D)

23. What menu is selected to print ?
(A) Edit
(B) Special
(C) File
(D) Tools
(E) None of these
Ans : (C)

24. What is backup ?
(A) Adding more components to your network
(B) Protecting data by copying it from the original source to a different destination
(C) Filtering old data from the new data
(D) Accessing data on tape
(E) None of these
Ans : (B)

25. The term bit is short for—
(A) Megabyte
(B) Binary language
(C) Binary digit
(D) Binary number
(E) None of these
Ans : (C)

26. A saved document is referred to as a—
(A) file
(B) word
(C) folder
(D) project
(E) None of these
Ans : (A)

27. Specialized programs that assist users in locating information on the Web are called—
(A) Information engines
(B) Search engines
(C) Web browsers
(D) Resource locators
(E) None of these
Ans : (B)

28. An application program has which one of the following functions ?
(A) It specifies the informationprocessing procedures required by a particular informationprocessing job
(B) It controls the input/output and storage functions of the computer system
(C) It provides various support services for the computer system
(D) It supervises the operations of the CPU
(E) None of these
Ans : (A)

29. In page preview mode—
(A) You can see all pages of your document
(B) You can only see the page you are currently working
(C) You can only see pages that do not contain graphics
(D) You can only see the title page of your document
(E) None of these
Ans : (A)

30. An operating system that can do multitasking means that—
(A) The operating system can divide up work between several CPUs
(B) Several programs can be operated concurrently
(C) Multiple people can use the computer concurrently
(D) All of the above
(E) None of these
Ans : (B)

31. The quickest and easiest way in Word, to locate a particular word or phrase in a document is to use the ……… command.
(A) Replace
(B) Find
(C) Lookup
(D) Search
(E) None of these
Ans : (B)

32. What is the default file extension for all Word documents ?
(E) None of these
Ans : (C)

33. With a CD you can—
(A) Read
(B) Write
(C) Read and Write
(D) Either Read or Write
(E) None of these
Ans : (C)

34. A collection of interrelated records is called a—
(A) Utility file
(B) Management information system
(C) Database
(D) Spreadsheet
(E) None of these
Ans : (C)

35. To move to the beginning of a line of text, press the ……… key.
(A) PageUp
(B) A
(C) Home
(D) Enter
(E) None of these
Ans : (C)

36. The term ‘user interface’ refers to—
(A) What the user sees on the screen and how they can interact with it
(B) How the operating system responds to user commands
(C) the means by which the user interacts with the peripheral devices on the computer
(D) The monitor that is available for the computer
(E) None of these
Ans : (A)

37. The background of any Word document—
(A) Is always white colour
(B) Is the colour you preset under the Options menu
(C) Is always the same for the entire document
(D) Can have any colour you choose
(E) None of these
Ans : (D)

38. Reusable optical storage will typically have the acronym—
(A) CD
(D) RW
(E) None of these
Ans : (D)

39. For creating a document, you use ……… command at File Menu.
(A) Open
(B) Close
(C) New
(D) Save
(E) None of these
Ans : (C)

40. The contents of ……… are lost when the computer turns off.
(A) storage
(B) input
(C) output
(D) memory
(E) None of these
Ans : (D)

41. Grouping and processing all of a firm’s transactions at one time is called—
(A) A database management system
(B) Batch processing
(C) A real-time system
(D) An on-line system
(E) None of these
Ans : (C)

42. A printer is this kind of device—
(A) Input
(B) Word processing
(C) Processing
(D) Output
(E) None of these
Ans : (D)

43. Text in a column is generally aligned—
(A) Justified
(B) Right
(C) Center
(D) Left
(E) None of these
Ans : (D)

44. What type of device is a computer mouse ?
(A) Input
(B) Output
(C) Software
(D) Storage
(E) None of these
Ans : (A)

45. In Excel, Charts are created using which option ?
(A) Chart Wizard
(B) Pivot Table
(C) Pie Chart
(D) Bar Chart
(E) None of these
Ans : (A)

46. What is the permanent memory built into your computer called ?
(E) None of these
Ans : (B)

47. If text was highlighted and ‘Edit’ ‘Copy’ was clicked, what would happen ?
(A) Text would be copied from the document and placed in the clipboard
(B) Text would be removed from the document and placed in the clipboard
(C) Text from the clipboard would be placed in the document at the place where the cursor is blinking
(D) (B) and (C) above
(E) None of these
Ans : (A)

48. You can start Microsoft Word by using ……… button.
(A) New
(B) Start
(C) Program
(D) Control Panel
(E) None of these
Ans : (C)

49. You click at B to make the text—
(A) Italics
(B) Underlined
(C) Italics and Underlined
(D) Bold
(E) None of these
Ans : (D)

50. The……becomes different shapes depending on the task you are performing.
(A) Active tab
(B) Insertion point
(C) Mouse pointer
(D) Ribbon
(E) None of these
Ans : (C)